Divinity Original Sin Enhanced - STEAM Gift Region Free
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Цена: 28.75 $
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Загружен: 02.04.2020 5:52:50
Количество продаж: 666
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Описание товара:
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition в Steam!

БЕЗ РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫХ ОГРАНИЧЕНИЙ (Rest Of World (ROW) - Region Free / World Wide Steam Gift)!

Включает в себя:

Divinity: Original Sin (Classic)
Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition

Об игре: Gather your party and get ready for a new, back-to-the-roots RPG adventure! Discuss your decisions with companions; fight foes in turn-based combat; explore an open world and interact with everything and everyone you see. Join up with a friend to play online in co-op and make your own adventures with the powerful RPG toolkit. In Divinity:Original Sin you take on the role of a young Source Hunter: your job is to rid the world of those who use the foulest of magics. When you embark on what should have been a routine murder investigation, you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a plot that will rattle the very fabric of time. Divinity: Original Sin is a game that gives you a lot of freedom and plenty of gameplay mechanics to use or abuse. The game´s epic story may drive you toward your ultimate end-goal, but how you get there is entirely up to you. Or up to you and a friend, because Divinity: Original Sin can be played completely cooperatively, and features both online and local drop-in/drop-out multiplayer. Great adventures become even greater when shared with a trusted comrade-in-arms!
Key Features: Become part of a reactive, living and vast open world. Explore many different environments, fight all kinds of fantastical creatures and discover tons of desirable items. Experience gripping party- and turn-based combat. Manipulate the environment and use skill & spell combos to overcome your many foes: Use magic to make it rain on your enemies, then cast a lightning spell to fry them to a crisp. Experiment with different skill combinations to ruin the day for enemies and townspeople alike. Play with a friend in co-op multiplayer. Make decisions together (or disagree entirely), as your interactions and relationship with your partner influence the game. Unravel a deep and epic story, set in the early days of the Divinity universe. No prior experience with other Divinity games is necessary, however. The game takes place well before its predecessors, Divine Divinity and Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga, but will still feel familiar to fans. Classless character creation lets you design the character of your choice. Endless item interaction and combinations take exploration and experimentation to another level of freedom. Create your own adventures and share them online. With Original Sin comes the powerful toolset used by the game´s designers. Yours are endless new stories to make and share with other players!

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
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1. Скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/about (если еще не установлен);
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий;
3. Полученную после покупки ссылку, необходимо скопировать и вставить в ваш интернет браузер, авторизоваться под своей учётной записью Steam и ПРИНЯТЬ подарок себе в БИБЛИОТЕКУ (т.е. активировать на аккаунт) или ПРИНЯТЬ и добавить в ИНВЕНТАРЬ (т.е. подарок можно будет кому-нибудь передать);
4. После активации игры появятся в списке игр и вы сможете скачать их со steam, а затем начать играть.

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Отзывы покупателей о товаре: Положительных: 32    Отрицательных: 0

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