Modern Communications in Management тест "Синергия"
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Описание товара:
Informal public meetings where info can be relayed, issues can be discussed, or employees can be brought together to celebrate accomplishments are

О grapevine

О symposium

О Town Hall meeting

О roundtable

Stigma of working from home lifted, it can be intrusive because home life and work are merged implies

О chain comm network

О choosing the right media

O working from anywhere

O decoding

What are sender, reciever, message, media, noise?

О performance reports

О classification Ofcommunication methods

О communication process elements

O noise

Different working hours, Iangauge barriers, different cultural norms are

О classification Of communication methods

О factors affecting complexity of communication

O main goal of controlling comms

O performance reports

encoding, formulating a message, selecting a communication channel, decoding, and feedback are

О communicating w candor

О how to be an active listener

O Components of communication

O communication channel

A process by which meanings are exchanged between persons through a common system of symbols and/or sounds

О collaboration

О language

О communication

О feedback

gives a flow of information among members

О working from anywhere

О ethical communication

O chain communication network

O channel

the 5 Ps are about

О when to use electronic channels of communication

O how are managers sense-givers

O how to give more effective presentations

O when to use rich channels of communication

How can the words "Interactive, Push, Pull" be referred to collectively

О communication process elements

О classification Of communication methods

O main goal of controlling communication

O communication

involves establishing credibility, building goals on common ground, making your position compelling to others, and connecting to others on an emotional as well as rational level

О "we will prevail! we are Virginia tech."

O rich channel of communication

O the correct use of language

O the art of persuasion

How can the words "Problem solving, teamwork, listening" be referred to collectively

О communication

О greatest threat to projects

O noise

O most important non-technical skills

enables a manager to determine whether the employee correctly interpreted the message

О the 5 Ps

О manager communication

О feedback

О Componentsofcommunication

Converting a message into symbols like gestures or written, spoken is

О communication

О encoding

О feedback

О noise

The feature of this method that allows the message to be easily browsed or scanned for relevant information is called

О encoding ease

О confidentiality

О scanability

О formality

The situation when one person tells everyone is called

О encoding ease

О feedback

О wheel communication network

O ethical communication

Status, Progress, Forecasts are.

О enterprise process

О performance reports

О financial and accounting information

O suggestions for improvement

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
anything that interferes with the reciever understanding the message is called.

О feedback

О noise

О channel

О encoding

Workplaces that have few physical barriers and enclosures are.

О informal communication

О open workplaces

О cost

О social media

is as important as the message itself.

О when to use rich channels of communication

O when to use electronic channels of communication

O the 5 ps

O the selection of communication channel is....

Communication going downward from managers to employees is

О diagonal communication

О downward communication

О verbal intonation

O lateral communication

is the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people

О manager communication

О routine communication

О communicating w candor

O goal of manager communication

philosophically grounded in the belief that good communication is essential to building trust, gaining commitment, and inspiring and uniting people to work together to accomplish a common purpose

О communicating with candor

О non routine communication

O communication champion

O communication channel

The variety of patterns of vertical and horizontal flows of organizational communication is

О workplace socialization

О interpersonal communication

О communication networks

O organizational communication

The feature of how well this method conveys interpersonal warmth is called

О interpersonal warmth

О interpersonal communication

О formality

О complexity capacity

Jargon is

О specialized terminology or language that members of a group use among themselves

O disregarding rational thinking and instead making emotional decisions

O deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver

O cognitive barrier

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Напоминаем, что – это торговая площадка, которая сводит продавца и покупателя напрямую. принимает от вас оплату товаров продавца на основании ранее заключенного с ним Соглашения. не является стороной по вашей сделке с продавцом и не несет ответственности за убытки и/или ущерб, которые могут возникнуть в случае неисполнения одной из сторон этой сделки своих обязательств. не вмешивается в процесс вашей сделки, а лишь предоставляет удобный интерфейс для её совершения. не может гарантировать вам 100% добросовестность продавца, хотя вот уже на протяжении 9-ти лет принимает все меры к тому, чтобы продажи на торговой площадке совершались честно. не несет ответственности за качество товара, а отвечает лишь за своевременную доставку товара в случае его оплаты.

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