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Larry_Coins_RealEstate_DayTrading.pdf (3167.33 Кбайт)
Загружен: 14.06.2020 22:45:17
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Нашумевшая в США книга-руководство,
Все техники онлайн-торговли недвижимым имуществом, Не нужно быть риэлтором - нужно бsть трейдером,

Язык - ENG

Real estate day trading is using the Internet to buy and sell houses without leaving home. In many cases, the investor closes on a house and resells it the same day. Readers will learn the author´s system for how to buy and sell 5-10 houses a month in today´s market, using the Internet, phone, fax, and email to analyze, research, and find the properties, buyers, and others needed for the transaction.

Author Larry Goins has personally done deals in nine different states and has students in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Israel, the Philippines, and Denmark. Day trading can be used for wholesaling properties to other investors, retailing, lease options, short sales, foreclosure investing, etc. The basic steps are:

- Search online for potential properties to make offers on, using specific techniques for finding the right ones.
- Once an offer is accepted, usually within 1-2 weeks, put it on paper using clauses included in the book, and get the property inspected by a rehab contractor to get a free estimate of how much the repairs will cost. This is done by finding reputable contractors online and through referrals from realtors and through autoresponders.
- Order an appraisal.
- Sell it fast! Using the buyers list you have built on the internet through email marketing groups, social networking sites, blogs, free classified sites, bank-owned property sites, and more, send an email with the details of the property and instructions on how they can get the property under contract. Usually within two hours several potential buyers will reply.
- Set up a closing to buy it and to sell it on the same day; closings are about 30 minutes apart. By it at 10:00 and sell it at 10:30, for example.

There are many ways to fund and close on the property. The book will contain step-by-step, easy processes for assignments, options, flex options, simultaneous closings, using hard money, private money, cash partners, and credit partners, none of which will require an investor´s own cash or credit.

With praise from New York Times Bestselling Author Dr. Albert Lowery, Robert Shemin, Frank McKinney and foreword by Michael E. Gerber.

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