🔥 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Collection 2 Коллекция
Раздел: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
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Цена: 4.77 $
в наличии 92 шт. текстовая информация (17 символ)
Загружен: 17.02.2019 21:20:48
Количество продаж: 21
Количество возвратов: 1
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Описание товара:
The second Modern Warfare® 3 DLC Collection launches with all-new Multiplayer/Survival Mode Maps, Special Ops Missions and the debut of Face Off maps. Totally new to the franchise, Face Off distills all the fun and intensity of multiplayer into a new breed of 1 vs. 1 and 2 vs. 2 close combat. In addition to this all-new game-play experience, Collection 2 deploys with 3 multiplayer maps and 2 Special Ops Missions, offering fans new venues to test their Multiplayer and Special Ops skills.
Sanctuary: Suspended in the air one thousand feet up, you´ll battle more than altitude in the towering sandstone monasteries of Central Greece. Formed over millions of years, this sanctuary´s natural rock pillars have repelled invading armies and withstood the ravages of time but now they´ll face your deployment. Test your skills—and the ancient monks´ craftsmanship—with your arsenal of SMG´s, assault rifles and shotguns. Just remember: don´t look down.
Foundation: Journey into the heart of South Korea for a decommissioned concrete factory where the cement flows and bullets fly. After decades of constructing roads and buildings, the towering facility is now a perfectly-constructed combat zone for sniping and run-and-gun rules of engagement. Don´t stand in awe of the towering concrete crusher at the center of the factory unless you want to see your kill ratio meet the same fate.
Oasis: Though once a picturesque escape for vacationers, the sprawling Hotel Oasis is now a Multiplayer paradise, with multiple lanes of combat built atop an ancient fortress.
Kill Switch: An intense new Special Ops Mission that places your two-man team deep in enemy territory. Your mission - cripple a Russian carrier by detonating an Electromagnetic Pulse. Be the soldier on the ground, making your way to the detonation site, or play the sniper providing vital cover fire from a vantage point high above the city. Work together or risk getting overrun by a horde of hostile forces.
Iron Clad: With one player helming an Abrams-class tank and the other escorting it on foot, you’ll clear beaches and take cover in plane wreckage as you escape Hamburg from behind enemy lines in this all-new Special Ops Mission.
Getaway: The first “Face Off” map in Modern Warfare® franchise history, what once was a tropical beach getaway boasting exotic aquariums and oversized pools is now a haven for ruthless run-and-gun violence.
Lookout: Carved into a combat-weary mountainside, this new “Face Off” map pits you against your opposition in a forward observation base littered in chokepoints and tight corridors.
Erosion: Make your way through Mediterranean ruins and ancient aqueducts, using leftover Roman masonry for thousand-year-old cover in this new “Face Off” map.
Aground: Head to Scotland’s Orkney Islands for the latest “Face Off” map, where treacherous cliff faces, networks of caves and the rusted and ruined remains of a grounded transport ship provide for constant combat.

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
Регион Россия + СНГ
Отзывы покупателей о товаре: Положительных: 7    Отрицательных: 0

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