+Англ, вар 2 (Telephone conversation)
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Задание 1. Прочтите и переведите диалог: “Telephone conversation”. Here is a specimen telephone conversation between two businessmen with a secretary answering the call first:
Secretary: Good morning. Consolidated Industries. Can I help you?
Mr. Weston: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr. James Marsh, please.
Secretary: Who’s calling, please?
Mr. Weston: My name is Weston. I’m from Plant Installations Limited, Manchester.
Secretary: Will you hold the line a moment, Mr. Weston? I’ll see if Mr. Marsh is free.
Mr. Weston: Yes, thank you.
Mr. Marsh: Hello, Marsh speaking
Secretary: Oh, hello, Mr. Marsh. I’ve got Mr. Weston from Plant Installations Limited on the line. Can you speak to him now?
Mr. Marsh: Oh, yes. Thank you. Put him through, please.
Secretary: You are through now Mr. Weston.
Mr. Marsh: Hello Mr. Weston. What can I do for you?
Mr. Weston: Good morning Mr. Marsh. I’m phoning to say we have problems with the spare parts you sent us last week.
Mr. Marsh: Do you mean those sent under Contract 106?
Mr. Weston: You are quite right.
Mr. Marsh: And what are the problems? What’s wrong with the spares?
Mr. Weston: Well, you see the first problem is that the spares arrived with a two weeks’ delay.
Mr. Marsh: Yes, you remember we wrote to you about the delay. It wasn’t our fault. You should take that into account.
Mr. Weston: Still the contract stipulated the damages for delays.
Mr. Marsh: Mr. Weston, I’ve got an idea. Next week I’m coming to London and I’ll contact you. I hope we shall come to an agreement.
Mr. Weston: Very good. Then we shall discuss both problems. By the way when are you coming?
Mr. Marsh: On Tuesday and I’ll ring you up as soon as I come to the hotel.
Mr. Weston: Good. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Good – bye.
Mr. Marsh: Good – bye. See you on Tuesday.

to put smb. - Соединить кого – либо по телефону
spare parts - запчасти
delay – задержка (выплат)
to take into account - принять во внимание

Задание 2. Допишите недостающие реплики:
Mr. Weston is a representative from Plant Installations Limited to London. Now he is speaking on the phone with Mr. Marsh.
Secretary: GM Company. Good morning.
Mr. Weston: …
Secretary: Just a moment, please.
Mr. Marsh: Good morning, Marsh speaking.
Mr. Weston: Hello, Mr. Marsh …
Mr. Marsh: Have you received our shipment of …
Mr. Weston: Yes, but the shipment …
Mr. Marsh: Mr. Weston, let’s meet …
Mr. Weston: all right! See you on …

Задание 3. Выберите правильные высказывания:
1.Mr. Weston is from Plant Installations Limited to London
2.Mr. Weston hasn’t any problems with the spare parts.
3.Next week Mr. Marsh is coming to London

Задание 4. Найдите эквиваленты в диалоге:
1.Говорит Маш
2.Не вешайте трубку
3.Соедините меня с ним

Задание 5. Восстановите правильный порядок слов в следующих предложениях:
1.Mr. Weston has an idea got
2.Can speak Mr. Marsh to him now?
3.I shall ring you on Tuesday?

Задание 6. Запишите вопросы, на которые можно дать следующие ответы:
1.Mr. Weston on the line
2.The spares arrived with a two weeks’ delay
3.Next week Mr. Marsh is coming to London

Задание 7. Соедините соответствующие формы неправильных глаголов:
1. speaka) got, got
2. meetb) spoke, spoken
3. comec) had, had
4. getd) met, met
5. havee) came, come

Задание 8. Употребите артикли, где это необходимо:
1.Mr. Marsh has … idea.
2.Mr. Weston wants to speak to … Mr. James.
3.Secretary has got Mr. Weston on … line.

Задание 9. Употребите глагол в нужном времени:
1.Now Mr. Weston (to phone) to Consolidated Industries.
2.Mr. Weston (to have) problems with the spare parts.
3.Next week Mr. Marsh (to contact) Mr. Weston.

Задание 10. Употребить соответствующую форму глагола:
1.They … the problems during the conversation.
a. has settled
b. have settled
c. were settled
2.Mr. Weston … just to Mr. James Marsh.
a. has call
b. have called

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
Задание 10. Употребить соответствующую форму глагола:
1.They … the problems during the conversation.
a. has settled
b. have settled
c. were settled

Mr. Weston … just to Mr. James Marsh.
a. has call
b. have called
c. has called

3. The spares … to the Plant Installations Limited.
a. have arrived
b. were arrived
c. has arrived

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