Раздел: Английский язык
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Загружен: 03.02.2015 17:24:47
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Описание товара:
Контрольная работа
Задание №1
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным.
1. The bus stop is not far from here.
2. Several Moscow University physicists work at this problem.
3. There are only daylight lamps in this room.
4. A signal antenna picks up the picture and audio signals.
5. Submarine telephone cable systems are free from fading and interference.
6. The modern information explosion cannot be conceived without TV and radio.

Задание №2
Переведите предложения. Выпишите из предложения сказуемое и определите его временную форму и залог.
Образец выполнения:
Lobachevsky´s geometry had revolutionized mathematics and the philosophy of science.
had revolutionized-Past Perfect Active от глагола to revolutionize.
Геометрия Лобачевского произвела коренное изменение в математике и философии науки.

The new laboratory equipment was sent for yesterday.
was sent for - Past Indefinite Passive от глагола to send.
Вчера послали за новым оборудованием лаборатории.

1. Russian chemical science is successfully solving many complex problems.
2. Radio astronomy has given mankind efficient means for penetration into space.
3. Becquerel´s discovery was followed by an intensive research work of Marie and Pierre Curie.

4. Heat energy is transmitted in two different ways.
5. When much material has been looked through and some problems had been solved, the article was published.
6. Electric cars will be widely used in future.
7. Today plastics are being applied for car bodies ( корпус автомобиля

Задание №3
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.
1. Laser light can be used to transmit power of various types.
2. The application of digital computers should include all forms of automatic control in science and industry.
3. These new materials had to withstand much higher temperatures than metals.
4. Ethylene gas may be obtained by cracking petroleum

Задание №4
Переведите текст на русский язык.
The television transmitter sends out special signals. They are sent out in addition to the picture impulses. The signals synchronize the picture at the receiver with the picture picked up by the camera.
At the television receiver the picture and audio signals are picked up simultaneously by a single antenna; the voltages induced in the receiving antenna are fed into the radio frequency stage of the receiver; and the picture carrier and the sound carrier are converted into two separate intermediate frequency signals. One signal corresponds to the sound carrier and the other to the video or picture carrier. Two separate intermediate frequency amplifier channels are employed; one for the picture signal and the other for the sound signal. The sound intermediate frequency signal is demodulated by a detector. After proper amplification by the audio amplifier, the sound signal is reproduced by the loud speaker in the usual way.

The picture intermediate frequency signal is amplified by several stages having wide-band frequency characteristics and is then fed into the video (picture) detector, which appears in the output of the detector is then amplified in the video amplifier, which corresponds to the audio amplifier in the sound receiver. Only it must pass a much wider range of frequencies.

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