тест по английскому
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Описание товара:
Тест №1
(правильные ответы нужно выделять курсивом)

1. Schools ___ pay ___ attention to examination ___ and more attention ___ child.
a) may, a few, successes, to a
b) can, little, successes, for the
c) must, few, successes, on a
d) should, less, success, to the

2. Can you play ___ violin? – Yes, and I think ___ violin is more difficult than ___ piano.
a) the, the, the
b) a, a, a
c) a, ___, ___
d) the, the, a

3. The Prime Minister left this morning for a tour of ___ Far East. He will visit ___ Singapore and ___ Malaysia and then go on to ___ Philippines where he will make ___ speech about the environment.
a) ___, ___, ___, the, a
b) the, the, the, ___, the
c) the, ___, ___, the, a
d) ___, ___, ___, ___, ____

4. The King Juan Carlos of the Spain arrived in London today for ___ visit to ___ United Kingdom. He ___ by ___ Queen and drove with her to ___ Buckingham Palace.
a) three days, the, met, the, ___
b) three days, ___, was being met, ___, the
c) a three day, the, was met, the, ___
d) a three day’s, the, was meeting, ___, ___

5. When my rich uncle died, he left ___ half of his fortune to his cat and ___ other half to a distant relative!
a) a, ___
b) ___, a
c) ___, the
d) the, the

6. There are ___ new houses, but they have no ___ local character; you can see the same style ___ in the country.
a) a few, a, everywhere
b) less, ___, somewhere
c) some, the, nowhere
d) a few, ___, anywhere

7. Do you happen ___ which is the ___ planet in our solar system? – Pluto, ___ it? I know it is the ___ away from the sun.
a) to know, smallest, doesn’t, farthest
b) to know, smallest, isn’t, furthest
c) knowing, smaller, doesn’t, farther
d) to have know, small, isn’t, far

8. In spite of the fact that Jean always ___ she’s short ___ money, she ___ to have a very ___ paid job.
a) says, of, is said, well
b) tells, for, says, good
c) says, on, talks, good
d) tells, in, is told, well

9. We used to ___ bed at ___ midnight or later. Now we are asleep by ten because with our baby we’ve had to get used to ___ up at five o’clock.
a) go, the, wake
b) go, ___, waking
c) going, ___, waking
d) going, the, wake

10. We ___ to finish the project by the end of the month but we keep ___ by changes in the plans.
a) hope, to delay
b) have hoped, to be delayed
c) hoped, delaying
d) hope, being delayed

11. I did not much speak English ___ because I couldn’t think of the words ___ enough, but lately I ___ much ___.
a) first, quick, became, fluent
b) at first, quickly, have become, more fluent
c) firstly, quicker, had become, fluenter
d) the first, more quickly, became, more fluenter

12. I think it’s a pity Rebecca had her hair ___ short because she looked much ___ before.
a) to cut, nicer
b) cutting, more nice
c) cut, nicer
d) to have cut, more nicely

13. I don’t mind ___ at by him. He threatened ___ me last week, but he apologized ___ me very politely then.
a) shouting, to sack, at
b) being shouting, sacking, in front of
c) be shouted, to have sacked, to
d) being shouted, to sack, to

14. I’ve ___ the problem with her, but she always ___ she is too busy. I’ve even tried ___ her ___ lunch with me but she refused ___.
a) to discuss, says, asking, to, to go
b) to discuss, tells, to ask, for, going
c) discussing, says, to ask, for, going
d) discussing, tells, to ask, for the, going

15. I ___ rather she ___ a chat with him. How long ___ like this?
a) would, has, was he
b) had, would, have, is he
c) would, had, has he been
d) had, had, had he been

16. His wife who ___ their baby daughter into the bed ___ in the parlour ___ socks.
a) have just put, was sitting, darning
b) had just put, was sitting, darning
c) just put, sat, darned
d) just put, had been sitting, to darn

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
17. ___ I knew of the inmates of Moor House, ___ I liked them because they were the best people I ___.
a) more, better, ever met
b) the most, the best, had ever met
c) more, the best, have ever met
d) the more, the better, had ever met

19. Harry was the first ___ that his brother ___ forward ___ the candidate for this district.
a) to suggest, be put, as
b) suggesting, should put, as
c) suggest, should be put, like
d) to have suggested, were put, like

20. I always used to arrive ___ at the office, but since Laurie was born my secretary ___ used to ___ me hard at work by the time she gets in.
a) late, has got, finding
b) late, had got, finding
c) lately, got, finding
d) later, was got, find

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Counter Strike


Metro 2033 Redux

Battlefield 4




Arma 2

Dark Souls 2


Array ( [id_catalog] => 1 [id_f] => 31 [id_ff] => [id_r] => 403 [id_d] => 1765489 )