Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught DLC 💎STEAM KEY ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ
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Цена: 5.88 $
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Описание товара:

Welcome to Onslaught, the first downloadable content pack for Call of Duty®: Ghosts, featuring four unique Multiplayer Maps, an all-new dual purpose Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle, and the first installment in Extinction’s four-part episodic narrative.

Complementing the fun, fast-paced multiplayer experience that gamers have come to expect, Onslaught delivers four classically designed Call of Duty® multiplayer maps, each with their own distinct environments, scale, and gameplay variety.

Fog (Washington, USA): A dark and eerie campsite set alongside a fog-shrouded lake – inspired by classic horror films. Fog also harbors a dark secret…
BayView (California, USA): Set on a coastal Californian boardwalk, BayView is a small, tight, fast-paced run-and-gun map. Look out for deadly artillery strikes from a Naval Destroyer anchored offshore.
Containment (Mexico): This smaller-sized map is set along a dry riverbed in a war-torn South American village. At the heart of the map is a small bridge with a truck containing leaking radioactive material.
Ignition (Florida, USA): Inspired by Scrapyard – the fan-favorite Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2 map – Ignition drops players into an aging space launch facility in Florida.

Onslaught also arms players with a deadly new addition to their arsenal with the Maverick, a dual-purpose Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle. Outfitted with a lightweight wood stock and a digital screen display, players can choose to use the Maverick as either an assault rifle or sniper rifle, depending on their tactical needs. As an Assault Rifle the weapon’s fire rate becomes fully auto with relatively high damage at range, and as a Sniper Rifle the Maverick sports an advanced scope and a semi-auto rate of fire.

Anchoring this first content pack is Episode 1: Nightfall, the first installment in Extinction’s four-part episodic narrative. At a remote facility in the Alaskan wilderness, the shadowy Nightfall Program has been researching the origins of the “Alien” threat. When the scientists lose control, a small team of elite soldiers must retrieve the intel and exterminate hordes of savage creatures while surviving a three-story tall terror unlike anything they’ve faced before. Featuring two all-new species of aliens and an exclusive weapon, Episode 1: Nightfall is a fast & frenetic, action-packed continuation of the Extinction experience.

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Отзывы покупателей о товаре: Положительных: 2    Отрицательных: 0

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