Serious Sam Classics: Revolution [SteamGift/Region Free
Раздел: Serious Sam 3: BFE
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Цена: 6.22 $
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Описание товара:
Serious Sam Classics: Revolution is a unified version of the Croteam´s original Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter and Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter experiences. The game started to be redesigned by Alligator Pit, an indie development team made of Serious Sam fans with support from Croteam, but it was “on ice” for a while due to life happening to Alligator Pit team, so recently Croteam took over the EA development and made it to the finish line.

On top of everything available in Serious Sam Classics, Serious Sam Classics: Revolution includes additional enemies and 8 brand new campaign maps, including an epic new boss you can scrap with. Revolution is powered by an updated Serious Engine 1 featuring all-new advanced graphics shader support, full 64-bit compatibility, and Steamworks integration.

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution is a standalone product and it is completely free to owners of original Serious Sam Classic games on Steam (Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter and Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter).
Become Sam “Serious” Stone - Travel through beautiful landscapes of Ancient Egypt, Mayan Civilization, Persian Empire and Medieval Europe. Confront countless members of the Mental´s horde hell-bent on destroying the human race.
Frantic Arcade-Style Action - Fight against Mental´s nightmarish warriors, including old favorites like the Beheaded Kamikaze, Sirian Werebull, Kleer Skeleton and forgotten baddies that somehow got lost in time. Battle it out with three of Mental´s fiercest generals to save the day or die trying!
Special Weapons and Power-Ups - Wreak havoc with a huge arsenal of weapons including the classics such as the Double Shotgun, Minigun, Sniper Rifle, and Cannon! We also added the beloved Plasmagun and Minelayer from the Warped mod!
Full Steamworks support - with Steam powered servers, game browser, achievements, leaderboards, and more!
Friends and Enemies - Embrace the chaos of true online and local cooperative and versus multiplayer modes (split-screen included!). Jump in for some classic versus action in Deathmatch and Scorematch. When you´ve had enough of that, try out the all-new game modes unique to Revolution - Team Deathmatch, Capture-the-Flag, Control Zone and more!
Survival - Try your luck at the brand new Survival game mode!
Discover over 100 secrets spread throughout the battlefield!
Powerful Editor - Create your levels, mods, textures and other content with the inclusion of the fully featured Serious Editor and the Serious Modeler!

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Напоминаем, что – это торговая площадка, которая сводит продавца и покупателя напрямую. принимает от вас оплату товаров продавца на основании ранее заключенного с ним Соглашения. не является стороной по вашей сделке с продавцом и не несет ответственности за убытки и/или ущерб, которые могут возникнуть в случае неисполнения одной из сторон этой сделки своих обязательств. не вмешивается в процесс вашей сделки, а лишь предоставляет удобный интерфейс для её совершения. не может гарантировать вам 100% добросовестность продавца, хотя вот уже на протяжении 9-ти лет принимает все меры к тому, чтобы продажи на торговой площадке совершались честно. не несет ответственности за качество товара, а отвечает лишь за своевременную доставку товара в случае его оплаты.


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