Перевод текста Accountant Duties
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Описание товара:
Accountant Duties
An accountant is a professional who works for a company and is responsible for recording all of the financial aspects related to all type of taxes, income and expenditures, budgets, and many other things.
General and primary accountant responsibilities include, preparing general entries, maintaining balance sheets, ledgers and petty cash accounts on everyday basis. Given below are some of the additional accountant duties that are included in account job descriptions of many companies.
1.Maintaining daily accounts.
2.Preparing profit and loss statements annually or whenever required.
3.Maintaining the document of daily transactions on the computer as well as in hard copy format.
4.Preparing financial accounting reports and sending them to concerned authorities.
5.Paying attention to taxation issues and preparing taxation reports.
6.Dealing with accounting and financial irregularities.
7.Analyzing financial information and preparing financial transaction reports.
8.Finishing the given tasks within financial deadlines.
9.Establishing sound accounting procedures.
10.Coordinating implementation of financial rules and regulations.
11.Reviewing the budgets of the company allotted to different tasks.
12.Explaining staff members, clients, business partners, investors, and associated about the billing invoices and financial and accounting policies of the company.
13.Assigning tasks to junior accountants and supervising all the data documentation and complete accounting procedures
These were some of the accountant duties. Part from this, some accountant job descriptions also include, preparing audit reports or helping the CA with audit reports, developing budgets, financial program planning, salary recommendations etc.
Qualification Required for Accountancy
The accountant job descriptions of some companies may ask for accounting degree or diploma or commerce background. But some companies give priority to experienced personnel. But if you have both then your chances of getting lured by a good company are maximum. There are different types of accounting careers such as public accounting, management accounting, government accounting, and auditor accounting etc. Each of the type requires different set of skills. So you must have the relevant qualifications. Apart from this, accounting is also industry specific, such as banking, investment, marketing, etc. so you must have the industry specific qualification, skills, and experience. But some of the common accounting job skills included in all the accountant job descriptions are given below.
1.An eye for details
2.Accuracy and perfection
3.Planning and prioritizing, and organizing skills
4.Knowledge of economics and accounting process
5.Networking and communication skills
6.Knowledge of relevant financial policies, laws, rules and regulations
7.Knowledge of relevant accounting software
8.Problem solving skills
9.Ability to handle pressures
10.Neat and tidy work practices
The above qualities are necessary to become a good and successful accountant.

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