Решение: Контрольная работа №3
Раздел: Английский язык
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Описание товара:
1. Напишите следующие прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной
beautiful, good, pale, thin, lazy, bad, hot, difficult, dirty, short, long, interesting, deep, young
2. Поставьте взятые в скобки прилагательные и наречия в сравнительную
и превосходную степени:
Who is the (strong) boy in your group?
One of the (interesting) places in our city is the embankment.
Yekaterinburg is one of the (big) industrial centres of Russia.
Yesterday we came home (early) than usual.
With the coming of the spring all people seemed (happy) and (quiet).
Today the weather is (bad) than it was yesterday.
It was the (good) reward we wished.
He is (little) educated than his father.
Where is the (far) point?
3. Заполните пропуски союзами as ... as, (not) so ... as и переведите предложения на
русский язык:
Is Yekaterinburg ... big ... Moscow?
The Don is ... long ... the Volga.
The weather is ... nice today ... it was yesterday.
What other months are ... long ... April?
The last winter was not ... cold ... this winter.
My room is ... light ... yours.
This English book is not ...easy for me ... the book you gave me to read last time.
I do not get up ... early on Sunday ... on week-days.
4. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:
более трудный предмет, самая важная проблема, самый большой в России, самые
глубокие знания, менее трудный экзамен, самый молодой, менее важный, намного
интереснее, гораздо легче, намного лучше, гораздо дешевле
5. Напишите глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующей форме; соблюдайте
правила согласования времён:
We were informed that many scientists (work) at that problem.
The foreign tourists asked when the plant (put) to operation.
We thought that the results of the work (be) better.
They said that they (study) at the library for two hours the day be
fore yesterday.
The experiments proved that great economy (can) be realized by using automation.
At the press conference the engineers were asked whether they (carry out) everything
programmed by the scientists.
The teacher was sure that all his students (be ready) for the test that
The newspapers reported that a new engine (be) launched.
The assistants said that they (look for) the data which were necessary for their research.
The lecturer said that mathematics and science (supply) the principal
tools for discovering, testing and stating the laws of nature.
6. В данных предложениях определите, чем являются в них слова с окончанием -
ing (герундий, причастие, отлагательное существительное). Переведите
предложения на русский язык:
Talking with him is a real pleasure.
The professor insisted on doing it immediately.
A new broadcasting station has begun to function.
Everything depends on your being here in time.
The news was exciting.
After signing the document the secretary went away.
My brother´s going abroad upset all our plans.
You will find difficulty in solving this problem.
The launching of the new apparatus is the indication of the outstanding progress of the
country´s science and technology.
7. Переведите предложения:
Astronomers know of galaxies existing in various shapes and sizes.
There is no hope of our completing the experiment soon.
They insisted on the devices being reexamined.
The girl was confused by our all observing her.
He went to the door to listen to her coming up.
There being an extensive system of evening and correspondence education in this country, a
great number of people are part-time and correspondence students.
Vast sums being spent on education in the country, the state is able to provide qualified
specialists for all branches of industry.
Holiday accommodation and facilities being cheap, all the students can spend their vacations
in camps, rest homes, etc.
The work having been done, they went for a short walk.
College courses finished, all the graduates get work according to their speciality.
8. Переведите предложения:

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
9. Переведите предложения:
Electric current is known to flow in metal parts.
The doctor noticed the temperature of the child to be rising.
The weather is known to depend on many natural factors.
We want our reports to be listened to at the today´s meeting.
The experiment is supposed to be completed.
I have never seen him making experiments in the laboratory.
The future is expected to bring a great many new scientific discoveries.
10. Употребите глаголы, заключённые в скобках, в соответствующей форме в
придаточных предложениях времени и условия:
If you (translate) this article into Russian, I shall use it in my report.
When everybody (come), we shall start the discussion.
If I (be) free tomorrow, I shall call you.
He will remember it as long as he (live).
You will not master a foreign language unless you (work) hard.
If she (be) in Moscow now, she will meet you.
We shall discuss the book after you (read) it.
I shall do it while you (talk) to him.
They will wait till you (return).
What will you be doing when he (come) to your place?
11. Переведите предложения и определите тип условного предложения:
1. If you knew him better, you would be sorry for him.
If you see him, ask him to come.
If it had rained yesterday, we should have stayed at home.
If they had bought the tickets beforehand, we should have listened to the concert.
In case she comes ask her to wait.
If you had been present at the lecture, you would not have asked questions.
If it were my own book, I should give it to you.
I shall not be able to translate the text unless 1 get a dictionary.
12. Раскройте скобки. Составьте предложения, с нереальным условием,
относящимся к настоящему и к будущему:
If it (not to be) so dark, I (can) go for a walk.
If you (understand) children, you (not to speak) like that.
The flowers (grow) better if you (water) them regularly.
If you (not to be) so angry, you (can) understand it yourself.
If she (want) to see you, she (can) come.
Even if he (be) here, I (say) the same.
If I (know) about it, I (help) you.
If I (know) how bad the film was, I (not to go) to the cinema.
She (know) how to act if she (be given) all the instructions.
If you (be) silent, they (forget) all about it in an hour.
He (be) very glad if you (bring) him his book.
If the poem (not to be) so long, he (learn) it by heart.
11. If it (not to be) so late, we (not to leave).
Переведите тексты письменно.
Text 1 International Monetary Fund
International Monetary Fund or IMF is a specialized agency of the United Nations, having
been established along with International Bank for Reconstruction and Development — the
World Bank — at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in 1944 at
Bretton Woods. The IMF is recorded to have begun operations in 1947. Its purpose is
to promote international monetary co-operation and to facilitate the expansion and
balanced growth of international trade. It may be achieved through the establishment of
a multilateral system of payments for current transactions and the elimination of foreign
trade restrictions. It now has an important role in development economics as a facilitator
of the transition to full participation in the world economy.
The IMF is a permanent forum for consideration of issues of international payments in
which member nations are encouraged to maintain an orderly pattern of exchange rates
and to avoid restrictive exchange practices. It also provides advice on economic policy
and fiscal policy, promotes world policy co-ordination, and gives technical assistance
for central banks, accounting, taxation and other financial matters. Membership,
currently comprising 179 countries, is open to all sovereign nations. Members
undertake to keep the IMF informed about economic and financial policies that impinge
on the exchange value of their national currencies. As a result, other members can make
appropriate policy decisions.
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Counter Strike


Metro 2033 Redux

Battlefield 4




Arma 2

Dark Souls 2


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