Решение: Контрольная работа №2. Вариант 2
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Описание товара:
. Напишите первую форму следующих глаголов:
founded, developed, studied, carried, constructed, surrounded, existed, joined, entered,
worked, trained, headed;
taught, meant, cut, grew, laid, broke, saw, became, got, gave, wrote, sold
2. Напишите вторую и третью формы следующих глаголов (Past
Indefinite, Participle II):
live, invite, ask, answer, last, fail, pass, allow, plan, connect, repeat, look;
say, show, tell, have, begin, take, do, spend, go, drive, win, lie
3. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
Не has always helped me during our study.
1 have finished Exercise 1.
My friend has received a letter from India.
She has made a mistake in her test.
The child has slept in the open air.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, отразив смысловое
различие, внесённое глагольными формами. Определите время глагола в обоих
I shall be translating a very difficult scientific article during the second week of April.
2. By April I shall have translated a very difficult scientific article.
5. Поставьте глаголы, заключённые в скобки, в Past Indefinite или Present
I (have) a busy day today.
She (have) a busy day last Sunday.
I (be) to London twice.
When (be) you there?
They (come) back from the North a month ago.
6. Напишите следующие предложения в Past Indefinite u Future Indefinite:
You must introduce the new methods.
Children can help their parents about the house.
The girl may stay at home.
7. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами:
You ... not break the rules.
The teacher... explain the meaning of every word at the last lesson.
The students ... use a dictionary while translating the text.
He ... leave the lesson when he fell ill.
Must we do all this work? No, you ....
Children ... easily make up stories.
1 shall ... see my group-mates in the afternoon.
You ... speak to him at once. Why didn´t you?
They will ... learn all the words of Unit 3.
Will you ... teach your friend to swim?
8. Поставьте предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени; укажите
время и залог глагола:
The new metro stations are being built in our city.
Many subjects are studied by the students at our Institute.
The letters are received early in the morning.
News is reported over the radio every day.
The exercises are checked up in class.
The children are taken great care of.
The delegations are shown around our city.
Urgent messages are sent by wire.
Oranges are grown in the South.
Hats are sold at the millinery.
9. Поставьте глаголы, заключённые в скобки, в соответствующую форму
страдательного залога:
Our guests (show) around the city now.
Art festivals (be held) every other year.
This scientific problem (speak) much about lately.
The lecture (deliver) in French next time.
The method (put) in practice a few months ago.
A new method (put) in practice now.
A lot of beautiful buildings (built) since that time.
The article (write) soon.
Another excursion (organize) for our group last Saturday.
10. Поставьте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям:
A taxi has been sent for.
Many poems were learnt by heart.
The play will be much spoken about.
The child´s temperature is taken each hour.
The story is being read aloud.
11. Ответьте на следующие вопросы письменно:
When was America discovered?
By whom was it discovered?
The new continent was named after Amerigo Vespussi, wasn´t it?
Why was the continent named after Amerigo Vespussi ?
Переведите тексты письменно.
Text №1 Oxford
The city of Oxford is like London. It is very old, it is international and it is situated on the
river Thames.
Oxford is a beautiful and a very green city. Green fields and parks surround the city. The
river Thames is situated quite near the city.
We say that Oxford is old and historical because it has existed since 912. The University
was founded in 1249. Oxford is international because people from many parts of the world
come to study at the University.

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
Text 2. Crime
A crime is understood as a socially dangerous act (or omission) directed against the social
and state system, the system of economy, property and other rights of citizens or any other
act infringing law and order which is defined in criminal legislation as dangerous to society.
Criminal legislation states that there can be no criminal responsibility where the nature of the
act is not socially dangerous. In consequence, criminal law does not regard as a crime an act
or omission which, even if formally containing features of some act covered by criminal law,
does not constitute a danger to society on account of its triviality.
Each crime consists of a number of individual elements. Those elements characterize the
purpose of a criminal act, the form and method of an action, the character of a criminal act
and so forth. The total sum of elements defining a specific crime comprises what is known as
the corpus delicti of a crime. The corpus delicti in any act is grounds for establishing
criminal responsibility against the offender. A person may not be considered guilty of having
committed a crime unless several elements of corpus delicti of that crime have been
established in his acts. In the absence of any element of corpus delicti in the acts of the
accused, criminal proceedings may not be instituted, and if instituted, may not be continued,
and must be stopped at any stage. In pronouncing its sentence the court must above all
answer these questions: a) did the act ascribed to the accused actually take place? b) does it
contain corpus delicti? c) was the act performed by the accused? The object of a crime is,
under criminal law, social relations guarded by criminal legislation. This means that all crimes
prescribed by the Criminal Code are ultimately aimed against the social relations taking shape
and developing in society. However, each crime has an immediate object. Thus, murder has its
immediate object - human life, theft - state, collective or personal property; rowdyism
(hooliganism) - public law and order, etc.
A crime may be committed by an act, i.e. the active behaviour of a person, or persons, or by an
omission, i.e. the non-performance of acts which it was his duty to perform (such as failure
to use authority).
The subject of a crime is a person who commits the crime and is responsible for it. Only
persons who have attained a certain age and are compos mentis can be the subject of a crime.
Persons who have the age of 16 before the commission of a crime are criminally responsible; for
some crimes (murder, deliberate infliction of bodily injury impairing health, brigandage,
stealing, robbery, hooliganism with evil intent, etc.) the age is 14 years.
Actually, the age limit for some crimes (committed by persons in office in their official
capacity, military crimes, etc.) is considerably higher.
A person who, at the time of the commission of a socially dangerous act, is non-compos mentis,
i.e. is unable to account for his actions or to govern them in consequence of chronic mental
disease, temporary mental derangement, weak-mindedness or some other morbid state, is not
criminally responsible. Compulsory medical treatment as established by the criminal
legislation of the state (placing in a general or special mental hospital) may be applied to
such a person by a court order.
A person who, at the time of the commission of a crime, is compos mentis but, before a
sentence is passed by the court, is affected by mental derangement, is not liable to
punishment. By an order of the court compulsory medical treatment may be applied to such a
person and on recovery from his illness he may be liable to punishment. A person committing
a crime while in a state of drunkenness is not relieved of criminal responsibility.
Text № 3 Psychopathy
There is no well-supported theory of psychopathy; many factors are involved that may vary
from case to case.
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Counter Strike


Metro 2033 Redux

Battlefield 4




Arma 2

Dark Souls 2


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