Решение: Контрольная по англйискому
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Описание товара:
1.Образуйте множественное число существительных с помощью суф¬фикса. Приведите свои примеры (5 слов)
а сир - a knife - a city -a child
2.Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрица-тельной формах:
1.Nick studies English.
2.Не finished his work on Monday.
3.They will return in October
3 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму глагола (время)
1.Му friend (to watch) TV now.
2.I (to learn) English and I am ready to go out.
3.Our president (to work) every day.
4.You (to pass) all exams before you went to abroad.
5.I (to go) up home at 4 o´clock yesterday.
6.I (to use) a tram for to go to University.
7.It (to be) better that it was.
8.My mother (to prepare) my supper at this time tomorrow.
9.I (to be back) in the future.
10.1 (to clean) my flat to 5 p.m.
4.Напишите числа словами:
5.Выберите глагол и употребите его в правильной форме:
1.The English company (to say, to tell, to speak) they had a few sole agencies.
2.Who (to learn / to teach) you to play the piano, Ann?
3.I didn’t have time to ( to do / to make) the beds this morning.
4.It is never late to (to study / to learn).
6.Переведите на английский язык, используя Причастие I:
Заключая сделку, они поставили вопрос о гарантиях.
7.Переведите на английский язык, используя Причастие II:
Запрашиваемая цена.
8.Match these abbreviations with their meanings and translate them:
a.personal identification number
b.the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
c.Bachelor of Science
d.The Federal Reserve System
e.the Federal Bureau of Investigation
f.compact disc
9.Read, translate and do the exerciser after the text.
T In all industrialized countries managers are typically recruited from university or postsecondary technical-school graduates. It is becoming rare for blue-collar workers without a college or technical school degree to rise beyond the level of first-line supervision into the ranks of higher management. As few graduates fresh out of a university or technical school have the experience nec-essary to assume broad-based or high-level managerial responsibilities, most or¬ganizations invest heavily in systematic management training and development efforts.
2.An initial part of the training involves socialization into the practices, values, and culture of the organization. Another source of training and develop¬ment lies in the career paths and job rotation policies of the firm. A large multi¬national firm devised a 10-year management development plan for all its junior managers, assuming that within those 10 years the manager would change jobs at least five times. Each job change was expected to expose the junior manager to a different functional area, such as marketing, finance, technology or product development, and manufacturing and increase the number of people the manager supervised or the level of responsibility. This firm, like an increasing number of others, attempted to include international experience in the career path, especial¬ly for those young managers targeted early in their careers as having the poten¬tial to rise to the level of senior management.
3.Researchers have shown that managerial career patterns can be predict¬ed quite accurately by the results of these early promotional outcomes. Some have used the analogy of a tournament to describe the process, in which “losing” at any step along the way significantly reduces one’s chance of “winning11 - that is, getting to the top of an organization or profession. Thus, a failure to get a promotion one expects often is a signal for the manager to look for opportunities in another organization.
1.Определите, является ли утверждение:
Higher education is an obligatory condition for promotion.
-в тексте нет информации

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
2.Определите, является ли утверждение:
Most firms set up special courses for professional training of their staff
-в тексте нет информации
3.Определите, является ли утверждение:
There are firms which consider it necessary for their young managers to acquire international experience.
-в тексте нет информации
4.Определите, является ли утверждение:
Only international experience in management can help office workers to get a promotion.
-в тексте нет информации
5.Укажите, какой части текста (1, 2, 3, 4) соответствует следующая информация:
New functional duties and responsibilities laid upon managers help firms to dis¬cover their potentials.
6.Укажите, какой части текста (1, 2, 3, 4) соответствует следующая информация:
Any young manager is supposed to learn all he can about the company he is working for.
7.Ответьте на вопрос:
What are the main sources of professional training and development for young managers?
1.Socialization into the practices of the organization and job rotation.
2.University education.
3.Working for various international companies.
4.Post-graduate course.
8.Определите основную идею текста
1.Variety of managerial duties and responsibilities.
2.Predictions of managerial career patterns.
3.Professional growth of managers and upgrading.
4.University education is a precondition for professional career.
Отзывы покупателей о товаре: Положительных: 0    Отрицательных: 0

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Counter Strike


Metro 2033 Redux

Battlefield 4




Arma 2

Dark Souls 2


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