Решение: Английский для таможенников. Модуль 9
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Russia like almost all countries has certain formalities through which passengers must pass. They include passport and visa control and customs inspection of passengers’ baggage.
Almost all countries have forms that the passenger must fill in. Incoming passengers fill in an entry declaration form, outgoing passengers fill in an exit declaration form which is to be presented to the customs officer. The points of the declaration must be answered in full words in block letters. The passenger is to fill in his full name, citizenship, country of residence, country of destination, etc. The passenger must also declare prohibited, restricted and dutiable articles that he is carrying across the border. Information must be presented both in figures and in words. Personal belongings are brought in and taken out duty free and need not be declared.
If the passenger understates the value of an article or misrepresents the article in his declaration form, he may have to pay a penalty in addition to payment of duty. The article can be detained and confiscated if the penalty is not paid. If in doubt about the value of an article, the passenger should declare it and then ask the customs officer for assistance in valuing it.
Undeclared foreign currency in cash found during the search is liable to confiscation as smuggling.
The customs officer may ask the passenger to open his baggage for inspection, because the customs officer always has the right to check if the passenger is complying with the regulations and that he is not transporting goods exceeding the quantities for which no formalities are required. The owner of the baggage must answer all the questions of the officer-in-charge on the contents of his baggage and must present any article for examination. It is the passenger’s responsibility to unpack, open and repack his belongings.
The entry declaration must be kept by the passenger for the duration of the stay in the country or abroad and must be presented together with the exit declaration on the way back. It can’t be renewed in case of loss.

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:
- incoming/outgoing
- entry/exit declaration
- points
- in full words
- in block letters
- citizenship
- country of residence
- country of destination
- in figures and in words
- personal belongings
- to understate
- to misrepresent
- to pay a penalty
- to detain
- foreign currency
- (in) cash
Ex. 2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:
паспортнo-визовый контроль; таможенный досмотр багажа; заполнить въездную/выездную декларацию; задекларировать облагаемые пошлиной предметы; ввозить и вывозить беспошлинно; помимо уплаты пошлины; помощь в оценке товара; незадекларированная иностранная валюта; во время досмотра; соблюдать правила; на протяжении пребывания в стране; на обратном пути; в случае утери не возобновляется.

Ex. 3. Найдите антонимы следующих слов и словосочетаний:
- incoming passenger
- entry declaration
- dutiable articles
- to bring in
- to break laws
- to exclude
- to leave
- to overstate
- to unpack
- to arrive

Ex. 4. Ответьте на вопросы (письменно):
1.What are certain formalities through which passengers must pass?
2.What do incoming/outgoing passengers fill in?
3.How must the points of the declaration be answered?
4.What document is the passenger to fill in?
5.What must the passenger declare?
6.What happens if the passenger understates the value of the article or misrepresents it in his declaration?
7.In what case can the article be detained and confiscated?
8.What is liable to confiscation as smuggling?
9.How does a customs officer check if the passenger is complying with the regulations?
10. How long must the entry declaration be kept?

Ex. 5. Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Пассажиры, прибывающие в страну, обычно заполняют въездную декларацию.

Дополнительная информация о товаре:
2. Пассажиры, выезжающие из страны, заполняют выездную декларацию, которая должна предъявляться таможенному инспектору.
3. Все пункты декларации должны заполняться полными словами печатными буквами.
4. В декларации пассажир должен указать свое полное имя, гражданство, страну проживания, страну назначения и другие сведения.
5. Пассажир должен также задекларировать запрещенные, ограниченные к ввозу/вывозу и облагаемые пошлиной предметы, которые он провозит через границу.
6. Личные вещи ввозятся и вывозятся беспошлинно и не подлежат декларированию.
7. Предмет может быть изъят или конфискован, если штраф не уплачен.
8. Незадекларированная наличная валюта, найденная при досмотре, подлежит конфискации как контрабанда.
9. Этого пассажира досматривают уже в течение часа. Полагаю, он имеет в багаже незадекларированные предметы, которые были обнаружены после применения технических средств контроля.

Ex. 6. Поставьте инфинитив или герундий для глаголов, находящихся в скобках:
1. When I’m tired, I enjoy ... television. It’s relaxing. (watch)
2. It was a nice day, so we decided ... for a walk. (go)
3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ... for a walk? (go)
4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ... (wait)
5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford ... out very often. (go)
6. I wish that dog would stop ... It’s driving me mad. (bark)
7. Our neighbour threatened ... the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call)
8. We were hungry, so I suggested ... dinner early. (have)
9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ... the train. (miss)
10. I’m still looking for a job but I hope ... something soon. (find)
Ex. 7. Поставьте инфинитив или герундий для глаголов, находящихся в скобках:
1. She doesn’t allow ... in the house. (smoke)
2. I’ve never been to Iceland but I’d like ... there. (go)
3. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me ...? (do)
4. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me ...it. (read)
5. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed ... (go)
6. Where would you recommend me ... for my holidays? (go)
7. I wouldn’t recommend ... in that restaurant. The food is awful. (eat)
8. The film was very sad. It made me ... (cry)
9. Carol’s parents always encouraged her ... hard at school. (study)

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Counter Strike


Metro 2033 Redux

Battlefield 4




Arma 2

Dark Souls 2


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