Тест по английскому
Раздел: Английский язык
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Загружен: 30.07.2014 16:01:31
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(владелец товара):
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Описание товара:
1. Choose the right answer.
I am sure that Jim is … lies.
2. Choose the right answer.
My friend is a … talker.
3. Choose the right answer.
The scene of my favorite play is … in London.
4. Find the wrong variant of the use of prefix un-
- Undependent
- Undone
- Unhealthy
- Unusual
5. Choose the right answer.
The dessert was divided … the six children.
6. Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix –er
- Builder
- Broker
- Parter
- Worker
7. Choose the right answer.
Through the years many people learnt they could enjoy a particular hobby and … money from it.
- Do
8. Найдите синоним к выделенному слову.
They are comfortable, but can’t afford some things they’d like.
9. Choose the right answer.
Do you like … poems by heart?
-To teach
-To study
-To learn
10. Choose the right answer.
Will you please … less noise.
11. Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix – ty
- Activity
- Frequenty
- Safety
- Formality
12. Find the prefix not suitable for building of verbs
- Pre-
- Re-
- In-
- Ex-
13. Find the suffix not suitable for building of nouns
- - ly
- - ation
- - ance
- - ion
14. Choose the right answer.
I like to … a difficult question.
15. Choose the right answer.
There were many … trees outside.
16. Choose the right answer.
He … me a cup of tea.
17. Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix –ion
- construction
- changion
- motion
- contribution
18. Find the wrong variant of the use of prefix re-
- rewrite
- renewal
- restay
- remake
19. Find the prefix not suitable for building of adjectives
- il –
- re –
- bi –
- ir –
20. Choose the right answer.
… me the book for a while.
21. Choose the right answer.
It goes without … that he is the best man in the world.
-To tell
22. Choose the right answer.
Will you help me to … the table, Mary?
23. Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix –ment
- joyment
- achievement
- disappointment
- movement
24. Choose the right answer.
Your idea is … good, but not perfect.
25. Choose the right answer.
Will you help me to … the room, Mary?

Отзывы покупателей о товаре: Положительных: 0    Отрицательных: 0

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Counter Strike


Metro 2033 Redux

Battlefield 4




Arma 2

Dark Souls 2


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