Контрольная по английскому. Вариант 8
Раздел: Английский язык
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Описание товара:
Variant VIII

Task I: Прочитать и устно перевести текст.

My name’s Petrov. I live in the center of Moscow. I work at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. I’m an engineer and I’m also a student. Many engineers in our Ministry learn foreign languages. I learn English. We have our English in the morning.
We’re at a lesson now. Jane is standing at the blackboard. She’s writing an English sentence. We aren’t writing. We’re looking at the blackboard.
We don’t often write in class. Sometimes we have dictations. During the lesson we read our text-book and do a lot of exercises. We don’t often speak Russian in class. We speak English to our teacher. We usually speak Russian after classes.
“What’s your name?” “My name’s Smirnov”
“Where d’you work?” “I work at an office.”
“What d’you do?” “I’m an Engineer.”
“Do you learn French?” “No, I learn English.”
“When d’you usually have your English?” “In the evening/”
“Are you having a lesson now?’ “No, I’m not”

Task II: выписать из текста глаголы в Present Continuous.

Task III: Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be (am, is, are).

1.Ben … my friend. 2. He … a teacher. 3. I … in my room. 4. “… Tommy Billy babies?” “Yes, they…” 5. We … students. 6. She … a teacher. 7. …you a student? 8. “… they doctors?” “ No, they … not. They … students.” 9. This … a cup. It … yellow. 10. The spoon … on the table. The table … in the room. 11. …those men friends? 12. My friend Ann … a good student. 13.” … Kate a teacher?” “No, she … a doctor.” 14. This … a room. It … a good room. 15. This … a cup. It … a red cup. The red cup … on the table. 16. These … pen and a pencils. 17. … I a teacher? 18. These cup … not a red. It … a yellow. 19. These cups … red and yellow. 20. Bess … my friend.

Task IV: Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

Model: We often meet this engineer here.
We don’t often meet this engineer here.

1. You go to the factory every day. 2. I read newspapers every morning. 3. His sisters always give me books to read. 4. They often go there. 5. I usually read the newspaper at home. 6. They often come here. 7. We write questions at home.

Task V: Прочитайте текст и переведите письменно 1 и 2 абзацы.

My wife is an economist. She works at the Ministry of Foreign Trade too. She goes to the office every day. My wife doesn’t learn English. She already knows English very well. She reads very many English books, magazines and newspapers. At the office she sometimes writes letters to foreign firms. She often translates telegrams from English into Russian and from Russian into English.
My wife’s also a student. She learns German and is doing very well. She usually gets good marks and is always in time for the lesson. She likes languages very much and is going to learn French next year.
My wife and I usually go home together. We do our homework in the evening: we learn the new words, read texts and do exercises. We also revise grammar rules. We sometimes speak English at home. We speak about our work and our lessons.

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