Контрольная работа № 2. Вариант 3
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Описание товара:
I.Прочитайте текст
Заполните пропуски 1 - 4 словами, обозначенными буквами А - Е

A – letters B – slow C – intelligent D – quickly E – pages

/ одно слово в списке А - Е лишнее !! /

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What person from history has the greatest effect on our lives today? A group of many different experts decided it was a man named Johann Gutenberg. Gutenberg is famous for inventing printing.
For hundreds of years people used blocks of wood to print. In Korea and China, people printed with metal stamps. Either way, printing was difficult and very . . . .(1) . . . . . People usually wrote books by hand.
Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400. He was an . . . .(2) . . . . man and he was good at working with metal. His idea was to make stamps for each letter of the alphabet and use the letters over and over. After many years, Gutenberg’s printing press was ready. That printing press could make hundreds of copies of a single page . . . . (3). . . . . After that page, one could rearrange the same letters to make other words and print other pages. Gutenberg printed his first book, the Bible, around 1455.
Today Johann Gutenberg is still remembered, especially in his native city. The city Mainz has a statue of him and a museum. His original printing press is in the museum. They print several . . . . (4) . . . . a day to show that it is still in a good condition.

II. Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутых слов

5. For hundreds of years people used blocks of wood to print.
a) используют b) могли использовать c) использовали

6. His idea was to make stamps for each letter of the alphabet and use the
letters over and over.
a) была b) состояла в том, чтобы c) должна была

7. That printing press could make hundreds of copies of a single page…
a) мог сделать b) может сделать c) должен был сделать

8. Today Johann Gutenberg is still remembered, especially in his native city.
a) помнят b) будут помнить c) помнит

III. Используя информацию из текста, закончите следующие предложения

9. Before Gutenberg’s printing press…
a) there were other kinds of printing
b) there were no other kinds of printing
c) writing by hand was the only alternative

10. Johann Gutenberg…
a) was good at working with paper
b) knew about printing in China
c) invented the printing press

11. The Chinese…
a) used blocks of wood to print
b) printed with metal stamps
c) used both wooden blocks and metal stamps

12. Inventing the printing press…
a) took a lot of time
b) took a lot of money
c) took place in 1455

13. In the museum of Gutenberg people can see…
a) the first book printed with his printing press
b)the printing press used by the inventor
c) a copy of the printing press made by the inventor

IV.Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутых слов

14. Before Gutenberg’s time, most average people could not read.a) наиболее / самый
15. Gutenberg spent most of his life and money making his printing press.b) большая часть
16. The Bible was the most important book in Europe at that time.c) тот же самый
17. Some countries like Korea and China used their own methods of printing.d) большинство
18. They rearrange the same letters to make other words and print other pages.e) некоторый / несколько

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Counter Strike


Metro 2033 Redux

Battlefield 4




Arma 2

Dark Souls 2


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